Twenty missionaries from Pittsburgh Presbygery in the USA arrived in Malawi on Saturday, 16th June, 2007 on an exchange visit to Blantyre Synod of the CCAP. The group comprises two pastors, five youths and some church elders. During the first three days, the visitors were hosted at the Grace Bandawe Centre, but as from Monday, 18th Juen, they were expected to go to host families. The youth contingent in the group seeks to spend time with fellow youths from Blantyre, with a view to taking a look a the working relationship of the youths in the two presbyteries. To this end, a special youth function was held at Limbe CCAP on Sunday, 17th June to give a chance to the Blantyre-based youths to interact with their conterparts from America. Items presented at this function included choral singing, sharing from the word of God, and sharing of experiences on how youth programmes are run in the two presbyteries. The visitors were visibly impressed by the delivery of the traditional pieces by the Limbe CCAP Joint Choir.
In a separate development, a smal plane crashed in northern Malawi on Saturday, 16th June, killing all the five British passangers and one Canadian, who was the pilot. Newspaper reports indicate that the make of the aircraft was Cessna and it belonged to a company called Nyika Tours, whose proprieter is David Foot. Mr Foot runs Nyika National Park on concession. The accident happened when the plane was attemptin to fly from Nyika National Park to Livingstonia Escarpment. The cause of the accident is not yet known, but investigations into it are underway.
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