Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Multipurpose Hall to Host Pentecostal Meeting

The Multipurpose Church-Hall at St. Michael Church of the CCAP in Blantyre will from 13th June to 17th June, 2007 be the venue for a mammoth meeting of the Pentecostal family in Blantyre. This meeting has been organised collectively by several Pentecostal churches in Malawi's commercial capital. Apostles S. Ndovi, M. Mbewe, F. Zalimba and others will be speakers at this meeting, which has been dubbed the "Megafest" while a South African band will be in attendance throughout. The CCAP has, through this planned event, demonstrated that they hold nothing against any of the sister Christian denominations and are consequently ready and willing to host them at their premises. The multipurpose hall has in the recent past hosted the Blantyre Joint Choir, an interdenominational choral group, and other gospel artists from Blantyre. On 27th May, the renown American gospel artist, Ron Kenoly, held a mega show in the same hall, under the auspices of the living Waters Church.

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