Sunday, July 1 was Paper Sunday at St. Michaels Church. The individual services were merged into one and met in the 3000 capacity Multipurpose Hall. It had been intimated that unlike on previous occasions of paper Sunday, the proceeds of this particular one would be used for the purchase of a motor vehicle for the congregation, to replace the ageing Toyota mini-bus. The preaching assigments were assigned to Mr. Joshua Chienda (English) and Rev. Reynold Mangisa (Chichewa), both of whom spoke of the importance of proactive giving.
It turned out that the total sum collected was just over MK2million (approximately 6700 Pound Sterling). Namiwawa mlanga (cottage) gave the largest chunk of this lot and proceeded to grab the Sunday Paper trophy, having given K700,000.00. This was the highest amount ever given by one cottage, and it is everybody's wish that God should, according to His own word, bless them abundantly.
Meanwhile, a vehicle has already been identified for acquisition. According to the chairman of the Transport Comittee, it is a fairly new diesel-propelled vehicle which has done just over 80,000 kilometers.
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