Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Visit by Zambians

Thirty one Christians form Chelstone Reformed Church in Lusaka, Zambia, travelled to Malawi last week as visitors of St Miachaels Men's Ministry. Among them were members of the Women's Guild and two youths. The leader of delegation was the Pastor of Chelstone Church, Rev Madalitso Banda.

The initial plan was that they would arrive in the evening of Thursday, 13th October, but because of last minute logistical challenges, they left Lusaka on the said Thursday afternoon, arriving in Blantyre on Friday morning around 11 am. After a brief welcoming ceremony held in the Multipurpose Church Hall, the guests left for Zomba to visit the plateau, where lunch had been arranged for them at the mountain top Sunbird Kuchawe Inn.

The following day, the women joined their fellow Mvano members in the weekly Mvano meeting. The visiting Mrs Banda, wife to Rev Madalitso Banda, delivered a powerful sermon at the joint Mvano meeting. Meanwhile members of the Chelstone Men's Fellowship joined their fellow men in the Multipurpose Hall for an exposition of God's word by Mr Daniel Menyamenya, followed by a Bible Study focusing on the first two chapters of Nehemiah.

Saturday afternoon was shopping time for the esteemed visitors, who were given the chance to visit some shops and markets in Blantyre. Afterwards, the focus shifted to Mr and Mrs Lipunga's home, venue for a specially arranged braai in honour of the visitors.

Sunday, 16th October, was another busy day for the Zambians. The Rev Banda took the 5:45 and 10:30 Chichewa services. Speaking in flawless Chichewa, spiced by Zambian Nyanja expressions, he spoke of the importance of translating our faith into good works. The visiting men's choir was in attendance at the 7:30 Chichewa and the 9:20 English services.

On the same Sunday, St Michaels congregation was blessed with another special visitor - Rev Schaafsma, who had until two years previously been Associate Minister at the church and had since returned to his home, Holland. He took the 9:20 English service.

The climax of the visit by the Zambians was the farewell dinner held in the Multipurpose Hall in the evening of Sunday, 16th October. Several people spoke at this dinner, among them, Rev Madalitso Banda, who dwelt on the similarities among African communuties in the manner they conduct their affairs, citing the example of the almost trademark tendency in Africa to let important functions run way behind schedule.

The visitors left Blantrye at midnight on 16th October, 2011, and were reportedly in Lusaka the following day at 20:00 hours.