Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Praise Team

St Michael and All Angels congregation is priviledged to have a praise team comprising talented young people who have the passion for contemporary gospel music. It was one of the earliest praise teams within Blantyre Synod, having been formed in the year 1999. It has so far produced three albums, namely Zikomo Yesu (2003), Yesu Ndinu Wamoyo (2006) and Yesu Ndiye Yankho (2011). The track Thanthwe Long'ambikatu from the latest album, which features Ruth Mputeni on lead vocals, is already enjoying wide airplay on local radios.

On 27th August,2011, the Praise Team launched the Yesu Ndiye Yankho album at the Multipurpose Church Hall. The event, described as a success by many patrons, was graced by a cross section of seasoned gospel artists from the city of Blantyre,including Frank Chimpazi, Thoko Suya, Geoffrey Zigoma and Joyful Souls.

Currently the Praise Team is progressing with the production of a DVD. So far three songs from the Yesu Ndiye Yankho album have been shot and finalised on DVD. Some of them have already been featured on local TV stations. The DVD production is ongoing, and it is hoped that the final DVD will be launched some time time in 2012.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cathedral Undergoing Renovations

Rev Clement Scott's masterpiece, the St Michael and All angels cathedral, which was built between 1888 and 1891, has developed some cracks on its wall and roof structures, necessitating some repair work. As a result, the Management of the congregation decided to engage a contractor to carry out the repair work.

The work started on Monday, 19th September. As a result, the cathedral cannot be be used for worship over the next two months or so. All services previously held in the historical church building will be redirected to the Multipurpose Church Hall.

The 6 o'clock Chichewa service will now start at 5:45 in the morning, followed by the contemporary service (again in Chichewa) at 7:30, having been shifted from 7:00 am. Thereafter the English service will start in the same Hall at 9:20 am while the 10:30 service will start at the same time, but in the prayer room behind the amphitheater. The 5 pm English service will also be conducted in the prayer room.

The entire repair works will cost something in the region of k21million and has been divided into several phases. The first phase, which is the one that commenced on 19th September, will concentrate on the roofing structure. The other phase(s) are to come later.